Exercise and its Effect on Fall Prevention

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The SANDDUNE™ website does not contain medical advice. The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering professional medical advice. The contents of this website are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Only your doctor or a qualified medical professional can provide you with recommendations for your ailment, treatment or problem. Nothing accessed should be or is to be interpreted as a specific or general recommendation for treatment plans, exercise regimen or course of action for an individual ailment. When beginning any diet or exercise program, it is important to consult your health care professional. Exercise according to your fitness level and capabilities. Individual results may vary. Consult your doctor and therapy team (if applicable) before beginning use on the SANDDUNE™ or with any new exercise program. Working with your doctor to create a personalized program is optimal. Perform these exercises at your own risk. Take all safety precautions for a safe workout with any exercise apparatus or program

Understanding the theoretical underpinning of the exercise component in a fall prevention program for older adults with mild dementia: a realist review…V Booth, R Harwood, V Hood… – Systematic …, 2016 – systematicreviewsjournal. …
… belief in exercise and who has the physical capability to do the exercises either independently or … and rigorous enough to make changes to the rough program theory or its CMOcs is … will provide a valuable addition to the evidence base surrounding the exercise component of …


Exercise and fall prevention self-management to reduce mobility-related disability and falls after fall-related lower limb fracture in older people: protocol for the…C Sherrington, N Fairhall, C Kirkham… – BMC …, 2016 – bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com
… Maintaining safety while exercising will be a prime consideration when level of difficulty of exercises is prescribed. … not be related to the intervention, but it occurs while the person is participating in the intervention; that is, while they are doing exercise or physical …
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Exercise-based fall prevention in the elderly: what about agility?L Donath, J van Dieën, O Faude – Sports medicine, 2016 – Springer
… Power training also beneficially affects maximal strength and can induce transfer effects to … Within
recent years, high-velocity strength training, eccentric exercises, perturbation-based balance …
Chronic eccentric exercise: improvements in muscle strength can occur with little …


Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community C Sherrington, A Tiedemann, NJ Fairhall… – The Cochrane…, 2016 – Wiley Online Library
… iii) flexibility training versus control; iii) three-dimensional (3D) exercise (including Tai Chi, Qigong
and … versus control; v) endurance training versus control; vi) other kinds of exercises versus control;
vii … Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community.


Effects of exercise on functional performance and fall rate in subjects with mild or advanced Alzheimer’s disease: secondary analyses of a randomized controlledstudyH Öhman, N Savikko, T Strandberg… – Dementia and geriatric …, 2016 – karger.com
… for example, exercising with a rowing machine or restorator bike, exercising with various gym …
The intervention in this study involved exercises (for example dual-tasking) tailored to … F, Cassou
B, Charles MA, Dargent-Molina P: The effect of fall prevention exercise programs on …


Effects of Tai Chi on cognition and fall risk in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial

S Sungkarat, S Boripuntakul… – Journal of the …, 2016 – Wiley Online Library
… of motion, stretching), 30 minutes of Tai Chi exercise, and a 10-minute cool-down (stretching,
breathing exercises). … study findings contribute to the growing body of evidence that combined
mind–body exercise such as … aged; cognition; fall risk; mild cognitive impairment; Tai Chi…


Tai Chi to Promote Balance TrainingCE Rogers – Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2016 – ingentaconnect.com
… The majority of TC research in the past 20 years has explored its effect on various balance … Exercise
for improving balance in older people … of falling among commu- nity-dwelling elderly adults through
cognitive-behavioural strategies and intense Tai Chi exercises: A randomized …